Merging line segments
Problem: Given a collection of intervals, write a function that returns the total non-overlapping range covered.
Input: [(0, 15), (11, 17), (10, 20), (45, 50)]
Output: [(0, 20), (45, 50)]
(0,15) ---------------
(11,17) -------
(10,20) -------------------
(45,50) -----
result ---------------------------- -----
0 20 45 50
When presented with this problem I wrote the following to solve it
My Solution
def find_overlaps(segments: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
simplified_segments = []
for segment in segments:
merged = False
start, end = segment[0], segment[1]
for i, current in enumerate(simplified_segments):
current_start, current_end = current[0], current[1]
if max(start, current_start) <= min(end, current_end):
overlap = min(end, current_end) - max(start, current_start)
simplified_segments[i] = (min(start, current_start), max(end, current_end))
merged = True
if not merged:
return simplified_segments
The core part is the check for overlapping done by the line max(start, current_start) <= min(end, current_end)
Here I check for the start pair is before the lowest end point and if so then there is an overlap as in given two segments
- Segment 1: (0, 5)
- Segment 2: (4, 10)
That means max(0, 4) = 4
and min (5,10) = 5
and therefore Segment 2
starts before the end of Segment 1
and so the segment bounds can be combined. The amount of overlap between the two segments can be calculate with overlap = min(end, current_end) - max(start, current_start)
using the example segments above that would be min(5, 10) = 5
- max(0, 4) = 4
giving an overlap of 1
Comparing with large language model (LLM) generated code which gave this back
LLM Solution
def merge_intervals(intervals: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
# Sort intervals by their starting point
intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
merged = []
for start, end in intervals:
if not merged or merged[-1][1] < start:
# No overlap, add the interval
merged.append((start, end))
# Overlap, merge the intervals
merged[-1] = (merged[-1][0], max(merged[-1][1], end))
return merged
There is a sort of the elements to start with which I didn't do and the in place movement of is a bit odd to me, but it works. Working it out it seems the dependency on the sort is the key difference between what I wrote as I do in place range expansion with the inner for loop and the generated code assumes sorted start points so it can slowly build the intervals in order. Interesting approach I am curious where this was copied from though because missing some context here obviously.