MySql Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE)
Working with a thorny denormalized table that contains id references to itself in a Parent
column that indicates a tree hierarchical structure and had to bring out the recursvie Common Table Expressions (CTE)
Simplified table example
create table TaskLookup
Id int unsigned auto_increment primary key,
ParentId int unsigned,
Body mediumtext not null,
Depth int,
Every task above will have a unique id, but not every task can have a parent. The tasks without a parent are considered to be children of the overall root node of the tree. To be brief circular graph representations of the data are not considered. It is checked in another part of the code that cyclical routes are not permitted as in Id -> ParentId -> Id
or a task can not have any level of parent task ids that loop back to refencing itself. Now on to the simpler problem need to find the parent chain of any particular task.
C# Lookup
Here recursively joining the TaskLookup
table with itself so that we can get all possible combinations and then use a group by clause to keep the results in the path lookups, and finally use a @filterId
to do this per task id lookup and this is lookup the parent paths for a task.
public List<TaskLookup> SelectTaskLookup(int? filterId = null)
const string sql = @"WITH RECURSIVE cte as (
SELECT Id, Id NextId, ParentId
FROM TaskLookup
SELECT cte.Id, s.Id, s.ParentId
FROM TaskLookup s
JOIN cte ON cte.ParentId = s.Id)
SELECT Id, NextId TaskLookupId
FROM cte
where Id != NextId
AND Id = COALESCE(@filterId, Id)
var results = DapperForList<TaskLookup>(sql, new { filterId });
return results == null ? new List<TaskLookup>() : results.ToList();
Bonus recursive CTE
This is a single statement to update all possible paths depth (parents from any task). As it is done in a recursive CTE it will update all valid paths in a single statement lightning fast.
const string sql = @"update TaskLookup
inner join
cte as
SELECT Id, Id NextId, ParentId
FROM TaskLookup
SELECT cte.Id, s.Id, s.ParentId
FROM TaskLookup s
JOIN cte ON cte.ParentId = s.Id
FROM cte
where Id != NextId
group by Id
) cc
on cc.Id = TaskLookup.Id
set TaskLookup.Depth = cc.Depth;";