code Global PowerPlant Database - Extraction Wanted to get the latest list of all the electrical powerplants in the USA and thanks to the World Resources Institutes [] Global PowerPlant Database [] source. They do a great service in collecting and collating the various datasets available into a
code PowerShell - Stop Screen Locking This script stops screen locking by pressing the Scroll Lock key every 30 seconds on/off with SendKeys [] Clear-Host Echo "...Lock screen avoider..." $WShell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell" $sleep = 30 while ($true) { $WShell.sendkeys("{SCROLLLOCK}") Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
code PowerShell - Random Text Generator Wanted to try to generate a random text every so often to prevent screen locking which did not work and stumbled upon this [] and learned a couple of neat tricks from PowerShell. The actual solution that seems to work for preventing screen locking is
code Zip every subfolder in a folder I needed to zip every subfolder within a folder to it's own separate zip file. In Bash did a for loop to find each folder and then zip [] each folder. This is my oneliner to do it for i in */; do zip -r
code Manipulating JSON with Gron Poking around with curl trying to do things and found a nice supplemental tool Say you have curl,-97.3093 Gives you the big JSON response { "@context": [ "", { "wx&
code Renaming a Git branch local+remote Rename your local branch * When you have the target branch checked out locally git branch -m desired_name * When you do not have the target branch checked out locally git branch -m wrong_name desired_name Delete the wrong_named remote branch and push the desired_name local branch git
code Read JSON with Powershell Get-Content -Raw -Path <my_json_file>.json | ConvertFrom-Json Syntax: $my_file = Get-Content -Raw -Path .\<my_json_file>.json | ConvertFrom-Json or to separate for piping further ( Get-Content -Raw -Path .\<my_json_file>.json | ConvertFrom-Json ) Example: Input JSON file { "fruit": "Apple", "
code Using Xargs to delete git history Needed to delete the .git history out of a folder and subfolders and thought xargs [] would do what I needed to do. First find [] all the relevant files using find * find . -type
code Treatise on code review * Code Review should default to approved, broken tests will stop the approval process * If new code has no tests you can ask for a test * Styling is optional. If styling is important to you don't make a comment, make a template or choose a language that forces a
code Reinstall Nuget packages without updating This situation comes up often enough that I need to look it up and write it down. Run this command from the Package Manager Console [] Update-Package -reinstall -Project <YOUR PROJECT NAME> Or use the default selected Project and leave off
code Stop unresponsive processes Windows - Taskkill [] In this case you have a non responsive msbuild that you can't find and want to terminate I would use the following command taskkill /f /im msbuild.exe /t which translates to kill all msbuild.exe
code Reset Branch: Git+{Your shell} Helpful reminder on how to reset a branch on all changes you have been doing PowerShell git reset --hard $(git rev-parse HEAD) Bash git reset --hard $(git rev-parse HEAD) Command Prompt (a lot more work) git rev-parse HEAD > last_sha.txt set /p last=<last_sha.txt git
code Mature Sustainable Operations From Toward a Maturity Model for Observability [] * Quality Code * Predictable release * Managed debt * Operational Resiliency * User insight
code SQL Server UTC Date Functions Ran across some SQL statements that were using the expression SYSUTCDATETIME() [] which is a statement I have not used and wanted to know the difference between this and my common go to statement of GETUTCDATE() [
code Every Nth item in a list Today I was asked a straightforward question on how would you get every 4th element from an array of numbers starting at 1 - 11 I immediately thought oh I can do this in a functional fluent manner, but then I flubbed it up because I tried to do a
code Set X11 Forwarding for all Users Setting the X Windows [] forwarding for your own personal user is usually set in the .profile file, but most of the time you really want to enable X Window [] forwarding for all users of the system. I mean you already went through
code List where Environment Variables are set Wanted to know where shell [] environment variables are being set on linux [] and came across this helpful piece of scripting PS4='+$BASH_SOURCE> ' BASH_XTRACEFD=7 bash -xl 7>&2 Originally from StackOverflow
code Using Artillery to load test Doing user load testing with Artillery [] and finding it to be clean, useful, and fully featured [] Install Artillery npm install artillery@latest -g Sample configuration file The following is a simple load test with the following parameters * Only 1 phase [https://artillery.
code Elevated Command Line Prompt Shortcut Use PowerShell to launch an elevated classic command line prompt Target C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs" Start in C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
code Lightning Talk - WSL in 5 minutes Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) A short and happy guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Windows Subsystem for Linux? WSL is a collection of components that enables native Linux ELF64 [] binaries to run on Windows. It contains both user mode and kernel mode
code Lightning Talk - .NET CLI in 5 Minutes Wrote this up after reading through Jeremy Miller' []s article on .NET CLI [] as a 5 minute lightning talk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .NET Core Command Line Interface Can we be friends with it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Setup * .NET Core installed 2.2 * Windows
code .NET HTTPS RESTful API call Because .NET Core 2.2 has switched over to serving from https [] by default on port 5001 which can be a problem when you are debugging locally use cURL [] and jq
code Enable Developer Mode Windows 10 Command Line To sideload applications without Microsoft approval (on application signatures for example when installing) and seems like still need to do this to use Windows Subsystem for Linux [] still you will need to enabled Developer Mode on Windows 10 run this command under
code Bash cURL, arrays, date formatting with CSV In celebration of daylight savings time and all the misery it causes with timezones. The Solcast API []delivers forecast results in CSV format along with others (JSON/XML), but I wanted to load the data into a bash array and convert it to my
code Bash Sum values from file or stream Messing around with a way to sum data values from a plain text file like so: 1 5 19 22 -9 0 -05 4 Notice that the data file has empty lines cat <FILENAME> | grep . | paste -sd+ - | bc Breaking this down it is the following steps * cat